Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps.
- Champion accessibility in collaboration with engineers from teams across the org, including Gatsby Cloud (commercial platform team), Gatsby Core (OSS ecosystem team), Dev Rel, and Product Marketing.
- Develop frontend features using Gatsby, React, Typescript, GraphQL / Apollo Client, Emotion, Theme-UI and more.
- Collaborate across product, design, frontend, backend, and infra teams.
- Defined accessibility shipping standards for the Gatsby Cloud frontend team, complementing the company-wide shipping standards.
- Collaborated to introduce automated accessibility testing in CI to our existing processes to avoid regressions of programmatically identifiable a11y errors.
- Significantly reworked the official Gatsby tutorial, notably adding a “Part Zero” focused on pre-requisites for development to lower the barrier to entry for new developers, and developers new to the JavaScript ecosystem.
- Led the documentation effort for updates, migration guides, and new documentation related to the v2 major release.
- Gave conference talks on various topics around Gatsby and the Jamstack ecosystem.